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tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2024

Sines Of Exquisite Pleasure - Music For Hospitals

 Magritte Records (MR 231)

Sines Of Exquisite Pleasure is a solo project of multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Douglas Em. This minimalistic ambient album was recorded in 1983-84 using MiniMoog, guitar, tapes, electronics, Alpine cow bells and analog & digital delays. It was originally released on tape in 1984 in edition of 100 copies, reissued on tape again in 2022 on Fantasy Audio Magazine and finally on limited edition vinyl LP on Magritte Records last year.

Douglas has been inspired by the tape expreriments of John Gage and  modal minimalism of John Adams as well as modular sound esthetic of Robert Fripp and Brian Eno. This can be heard on this album as well. There are seven very peaceful and relaxing compositions that give you a sort of healing vibe. Maybe that's where the title comes form. This is  not exactly my kind of music (I'm not patient enough...) but I still enjoy the album and music like this aboslutely has it's place in human experience and life. Only 250 copies pressed but still available! 


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