perjantai 24. toukokuuta 2024

The Honey Pot with Crystal Jacqueline - An Introduction to The Honey Pot with Crystal Jacqueline

 Fruits de Mer Records (intro 4)

The Honey Pot as well as Crystal Jacqueline are some of the Fruits de Mer Records dearest sweethearts and most released artists by them, so no wonder they are also featured in this CD-R introduction series. This collection features 10 tracks that have been previously released on FdM singles, LP's and CD's as well as three bonus tracks. 

Most pieces are cover songs (Mighty Baby, The Fleur the Lys, Strawberry Alarm Clock, The Kinks, Jefferson Airplane etc.) but the album also includes five originals for good measure. The music has a very late 60s/early 70s vibe. The last two tracks were recorded live and at least "Shangri-La" by The Kinks is exclusive to this compilation. These guys are great musicians and singers, so you just can't help liking their music! There is nothing thag trippy or spaced-out, so you could even play this on mainstream radio, I guess. Pleasant, rather peaceful and melodic stuff with some folk elements. Check them out!


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